In which areas can we represent you?

Company formations (SRL, SA), but also PFAs, sole proprietorships, family businesses, associations and foundations, any changes in the object of activity, representation before any judicial bodies or public institutions.
We also handle the drafting of any type of contract.

Have you been the victim of a road accident? Have you suffered damage due to a third party or an animal? We help you defend your rights and obtain the compensation you deserve!
🔹 Road accidents with victims or material damage – If you were involved in an accident caused by another driver and suffered injuries or material damage, we help you obtain compensation from the insurer or the at-fault person.
🔹 Accidents caused by domestic or wild animals – If your car was damaged or you were injured by an animal, we identify responsibility and support you in the damage recovery process.
🔹 Injuries due to the fault of others – Have you suffered damage in a public or private space due to someone else's negligence?
🔹 Other unlawful acts that caused you harm – Any action or inaction that caused you material or moral damage can be sanctioned by law, and we help you obtain damages.

You may find yourself in a situation where the investigating body has wrongly recorded in the report that you were driving at a speed higher than the legal limit or that you did not give priority to pedestrians, putting you in a situation where you can no longer drive for a certain period of time.
In all these situations, the solution is to file a contravention complaint.

Whether you are being investigated for committing a crime of driving a vehicle without a driver's license, whether you have committed a more complex crime, or whether you are the victim of one, the Cabinet offers you counseling and representation services before criminal prosecution bodies and/or courts, making every effort to obtain the best solution for you.